Walnut Hills Basketball

Tough. Together. Thankful. #TougherTogether #GoldStandard

Our basketball program strives to be an extension of the excellence and endless opportunities that our school is nationally known for.

Our mission is to cultivate champions on and off the court while creating an environment where everyday is an opportunity. We strive to make a positive impact on our school and community.

Core Values


How much can you take before you break? What are you willing to do? Do you have self discipline?

Examples: Taking charges. Diving on the floor. Physicality. Positive body language. RESPONDING to adversity vs Reacting. Positive response to constructive criticism.

“Discipline is doing WHAT needs to be done, HOW it needs to be done, WHEN it needs to be done. It’s doing the right thing, the right way, at the right time, EVERYTIME. No matter how you feel and no matter who’s watching.”

- Coach Stu Holt

“Eagles fly towards the storm while other birds hide in the trees. Adversity is an opportunity to spread your wings and soar.”

- Coach Stu Holt


We are a family and we are #TougherTogether.

Do you love your teammates enough to…Bring them positive energy, Hold them accountable, Encourage them, Communicate effectively with them, and be genuinely happy for them when they succeed?

Eagles Fly With Eagles. We must call each other to fly higher.

“If you want to go fast go alone, if you want to go far go TOGETHER.”


We must have an ATTITUDE OF GRATITUDE. Don’t take anything for granted (practices, games, workouts, film). Appreciate the journey. Be present. We must kill the attitude of entitlement. Every day is an opportunity.

A major key is being in the present moment. We cannot mistake joy for happiness & fun. Happiness is based on your HAPPENINGS. Happiness is an emotion and emotions come and go. Joy is based on the inside and is anchored in something bigger than anything that can HAPPEN to you.

“It’s not joy that makes us grateful. It’s gratitude that makes us joyful. It’s untouched by circumstance.”

“Its important to have an attitude of gratitude. No one owes you anything and you can’t make it on your own. Be thankful for the opportunity, the ability, your community, and your support system. Never get so used to support that you miss an opportunity to simply say “Thank You” and don’t just say it, SHOW IT.

- Coach Stu Holt


We want to bring positive enthusiasm to everything that we do. A loud team is a winning team. It is important that we understand that energy is contagious and we have the power to positively affect the spirit of the team with our energy.


We have to give maximum effort. We have to give everything that we got and go 100%, 100% of the time. It’s important to anticipate your moment.

“Your effort is something that you can always control. Don’t take any plays off because all it takes is one plan to change the entire game.”


We have to have PRIDE IN PERFORMANCE. Attention to detail. The Mamba Mentality is the Eagle Mentality. Don’t ever accept mediocrity. Build good habits daily.

If it’s not done right, do it over. Bad Rep = Go Again.

“It’s not about WHAT you do, its about HOW you do it.”

We have to take pride in how we walk, talk, and even dress. We represent our school, community, and our families. Even more importantly, we represent God.


Success = Winning Games, Championships, Awards, Accolades, Cutting Down Nets, Scholarships

Significance = Serving Community, Impact on School & Community, Impact on Players & Families, Legacy Left Behind

As a program, we strive to be the most successful AND even more importantly, the most SIGNIFICANT program that we can possibly be. Our commitment to excellence on and off the court will allow us to do this.

Walnut Hills High School

Walnut Hills High School, a college preparatory school for grades 7-12, is nationally recognized as one of America's top public high schools. The 2,400 member student body is culturally and ethnically diverse, with students attending from every urban neighborhood in Cincinnati. Eighty-seven percent of the graduates enter college with advanced standing, and students score especially well on the Ohio Tests of Scholastic Achievement. All students pass all parts of the Ohio Proficiency Test, 100% on the first sitting, and Walnut Hills places first in the state on the test. Upon graduation, Walnut Hills High School students are accepted by the finest universities and colleges throughout America. It is nationally known as the Home Of Excellence.